Hμblog for tag ‘web’

Stop deploying web application firewalls

Excellent writeup by Mac Chaffee about how web application firewalls are universally a terrible idea. I've been meaning to write an article on this subject for some time, but this is a good overview of many issues with them.

Thoughts on Apache, .htaccess and the hackish state

This article on how Apache httpd is actually nice resonated with me a lot; I continue to use Apache myself for reasons I've articulated in the comment above.

That people produce HTML with string templates is telling us somethingHN comment with my thoughts (HN comment)

Chris Siebenmann has written an interesting response to my article “Producing HTML using string templates has always been the wrong solution”. While I don't necessarily agree with his views, I think it's an interesting response and worth reading. I've also written up my thoughts on the article as an HN comment. (Read more...)

Pushup, a framework for mildly dynamic websitesComment by author (HN comment)Author's website

This is an interesting web framework in Go emphasising PHP-esque page-oriented development. The author cites my article The Demise of the Mildly Dynamic Website as inspiration.


This is an interesting writeup about webrings, a now forgotten phenomenon of the early web.